Review Babylon Anime: What If Suicide Law Does Exist?

Poster Babylon

This is a very rare moment for me to write a review about an anime because I never write about anime lol. Well, I find this anime have a good plot and interesting. So, why not? This is gonna be a short review and maybe a little bit spoiler but I will not spoil the major part. If you don't want spoilers please don't read this. 

Zen Seizaki

Babylon is based on Japanese novel series written by Mado Nozaki. The story of public prosecutor in the newly formed Shiniki district of Tokyo, Zen Seizaki, who investigates a pharmaceutical company that had a defective drug. Digging deeper to the investigation, that case leads to a plot involving the mayoral elections. And Itsuki Kaika as the person who was elected as the first mayor of Shiniki, declare Shiniki's first law, that is Suicide Law which allow death under the correct judgement. However the real truth is the person behind the push to legalize suicide and causing the deaths isn't Itsuka Kaika, but Ai Magase. 

Itsuki Kaika

Bisa dibilang ini adalah political thriller anime yang lebih fokus ke politiknya yang mana membahas soal legalitas bunuh diri. Dan persoalan mengenai suicide law ini sendiri tidak hanya ada di Shiniki saja melainkan negara-negara di luar Jepang yang satu persatu ikut melegalkan bunuh diri seperti Kanada, Prancis, Jerman, Italia dsb. 

Ai Magase

The first thing you need to know when you decided to watch Babylon is don't invest your heart to every character in this anime, just don't. There's a lot of 'D word' even in the first episode, so prepare yourself. Dan jangan pula ngecek Official Twitter Babylon kalau memang enggak suka spoiler karena di situ adminnya nge-tweet video major spoiler. Jadi hati-hati aja kalau memang mau stalking twitter officialnya hahaha.

Untuk ceritanya sendiri, premis yang diangkat menurut saya pribadi sangat menarik. Tidak hanya mempersoalkan Suicide Law nya dan bagiamana supaya negara-negara lain tidak ikut melegalkan hukum tersebut, tapi juga membahas apakah bunuh diri adalah perbuatan baik atau buruk dan apa yang dimaksud dengan 'baik' atau 'buruk' itu sendiri. 

Ai Magase

For the characters, a huge shout out to Ai Magase. I think she's one of the greatest villain I've ever known. Her charm, her voice, her evil aura, she's just so captivating and it's insane. She doesn't need to try hard and persuasion skill. She's nuts. And Zen Seizaki, I feel bad for him
. Dari episode 1 sampe 8 itu enggak ada abisnya buat dia. Bener-bener bikin gila, saya setiap nonton hanya bisa bicara ke layar HP 'Pak Seizaki udahan aja yuk, mending ngurus anak istri dan hidup bahagia'. Dari episode 9 sampai tamat keliatan sekali perubahan raut muka Seizaki yang lelah dan mentally tired. 


How about the ending? Well I think this is one of their weaknesses. That was anticlimactic, the main plot was left unresolved. I don't know, it felt kinda rushed. I have so many questions about the suicide law itself, what will happen to the suicide after that ending. And the post credit scene was what left me open mouthed. Another weaknesses are they never explain Ai Magase's power. I wish they explore more of her story, how she use her power. She need more screentime. In a nutshell, we need season 2 or maybe OVA because there's so much things to explore. 

Well, that's it. I recommend it even tho the ending was such a disappointment.   

Credit Pictures: Official Twitter Babylon
